Ways To Prevent

What To Do

  1. If you’re a foreign person coming in to another country, please make sure to diagnose any diseases or viruses inside of you and take the vaccines for them.
  2. If you have or feel like you have Rubella/German measles, come to the nearest pediatrician to check. Note: Stay away from people as you have the virus.
  3. f you can’t go to the nearest pediatrician, try to stay home.
  4. When going outside, try not to cough or sneeze at others because the virus can be spread through the air and others can contract the virus.
  5. Try not to touch areas of your body that can emit the disease such as the nose. If you do, wash your hands often.
  6. Try not to irritate the virus once exposed. It may cause faster spread.
  7. Reminder: Do not wait until the virus will come out, the virus will not get ridden of until you take a specific RV vaccine.

How I Can Spread The Word

Prevention chart made by Allen Tran at this page. CC-0(Free use).

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.